Restaurant Wait List & Reservation

Restaurant Wait List Reservation

Drive 2x as many customer return visits automatically. Own your customer data.

Increase Top-Line Revenue, Guest Frequency, and Guest Loyalty

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Best in Class Wait List & Reservation App and more

Stop Leasing your own customer data from 3rd party platforms! Own your data.

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Say Goodbye to the costly acquisition marketing

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Own your customer data and use it for customer retention

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Never pay cover fees to bring your own customers back

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Drive twice as many customer return visits using automated marketing

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Increase your 5-star reviews using happy customers

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Start Your FREE Test Drive

Customer Success Stories

North Point Cafe

North Point Cafe

Built a database of over 25,000 customers in 14 months!

Sky Blossom Bistro

Sky Blossom Bistro

Built a database of 12,000 customers in 20 months!

Sharky's Restaurant

Sharky's Restaurant

Built their database of 7,600 customers in just 4 months!

Use your existing iPad

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Download the SmartWAIT app

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Setup your table layout from the app

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Create your tables and floor plan in 5 minutes

Add your servers and assign them to the tables

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Increase server productivity through efficient table assignment.

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Milagro - Online reservations from anywhere

Online Reservations from Anywhere

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Accept reservations from your social media pages.

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Accept reservations from your website

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No cover fees ever.

Manage your waitlist

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Reduce the burden on your staff by letting the customer join the waitlist themselves.

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North Point Cafe's Success Story

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SWITCH to SmartWAIT Now! For $249/month Flat Fee!

10x Better. 10x Easier. Drives twice as many return visits!

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