You have made the smartest decision to switch and earn more money

Some Basics

Tell us a little about yourself and your business so we know how to better serve you.

Quick Support

Give us a call to talk to a specialist for a tailor made solution.

Multi-Channel Support

Accept credit cards, debit cards, Apple , Google Pay and e-checks with a single intuitive interface.

This form is secured and information is processed in a secured form

Business Information:

This is the legal information used to form your merchant account.

Owner/Officer Information:

This is anyone who owns more than 20% ownership of the company
This is any person with more than 20% ownership in the company
Please be sure to enter city, state and zip code.
Your date of birth

Banking Information:

This is where your funds will be deposited to.
This is where your funds will be deposited

Processing Information:

This is your average check size, estimate it if you are unsure.
Total sales you do per month or project that you will do when your restaurant opens
Typically in restaurants this should be 90%
enter 0 if you do not accept credit cards over the phone.
Enter an estimated transaction that you accept online. This is typically 10%
Typically this is 0, if unsure, just put 0
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