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Menu Engineering Templates

Are You Ready to Unlock Your Menu’s Full Potential? Get the Menu Engineering template today and start improving the performance and profitability of your restaurant menu right away. It’s Time to Upgrade Your Restaurant Menu. Get started today!

This valuable tool contains various tools and calculators that would help restaurant owners and managers make data-driven decisions and menu optimization. Let’s take a closer look at what’s included:




What’s Inside?

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Food Cost Percentage Calculator: Understand your costs per dish and menu item. Compute the food cost percentage per serving for any recipe.

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Contribution Margin Calculator: Know Your Menu’s Contribution Margin. Determine the main factors responsible for your total profit.

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Average Item Profit Calculator: Determine the overall profit you accumulate on a per-menu-item basis, and identify the most lucrative products offered at your establishment.

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Menu Engineering Categorization Tool: Create a menu chart that lists items under different categories such as 5-star and 2-star. It will also assist in marketing your dishes in place.